Colombia, Sierra Nevada, Finca Buena Vista, Organic, Smithsonian Bird Friendly Certified, Medium Roast, Whole Bean and Ground Coffee

Finca Buena Vista is owned by Eneil Bayona and is located in the village of Minca. Eneil loves to produce coffee; it’s been in his
family for as long as he can remember. It hasn’t always been easy, though, as he’d gotten discouraged by low coffee prices. Since
then, he’s worked hard to ensure his coffee is certified as Organic, which has gotten him a much higher premium that he uses
to continually re-invest in production and improvement. Eneil is heavily involved in the region and works with neighboring
producers to pilot new planting programs and test new varietals.

Besides organic certification, Sol Naciante is Smithsonian Bird Friendly Certified. When you Drink Bird Friendly® certified coffee, you brew a more biodiverse, sustainable world. Created by Smithsonian scientists, the Bird Friendly Gold Standard does more to protect habitats that are often destroyed to make way for coffee growing. Support the best in organic, eco-friendly farming by asking your café, grocery store, and friends to migrate to Bird Friendly® certified coffee.

$13.20$67.00 - or subscribe

Flavor and Aroma Notes of Tangerine, Honey, Brown Sugar

Purchase Options:
Sourced From: Colombia
Producer: Finca Buena Vista
Elevation: 1,167 MASL
Process: Wet Process, Patio Drying
Certifications: Organic, SMBC
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